History and Physical 1
Identifying Data:
Name: KH
Age: 5 year old Female
MR: 4070806
Race: African American
Date & Time: 2/08/21 at 12:30PM
Location: QHC Pediatric Emergency Department
Source of Referral: none
Source of Information: self
Mode of Transport: personal vehicle
Chief Complaint: “abdominal pain and vomiting for one day”
History of Present Illness:
KH is a 5 year old female with a past medical history of sickle cell anemia is brought to the ED complaining of abdominal pain since yesterday. She states that today she has had 3 episodes of vomiting, non bloody, non billious. The vomit contained clear yellow liquid. She has been drinking appropriate amounts of fluid and has had normal urine frequency. She has also been complaining of headaches associated with the stomach pain. Nothing makes the symptoms better or worse. The patient says the pain diffuse all over the abdomen, and comes and goes. She denies any pain with urine, increased frequency, changes in bowel movements, fever, cough, sneezing, rhinnorhea, shortness of breath, rash, upper or lower extremity swelling. Mother states that they have had no contact with anyone with Covid and denies any sick contacts. Mother states that her sickle cell used to be treated with hydroxyurea, but has stopped 2 months ago due to side effects. She denies any other complications due to the sickle cell. Mom states she takes penecillin occasionally for pain.
Past Medical History:
Present illness:
Abdominal pain and emesis
Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
Sickle cell disease
Past illness:
Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
Diagnosed: 4/5/2017
Sickle cell disease
Diagnosed: 5/13/2016
Denies ever being hospitalized
All immunizations up to date
Birth history:
Patient was born full term at 37 weeks, with no complications. Unknown mode of delivery
Past Surgical History:
- Denies any past surgeries, injuries or blood transfusions
Hydroxyurea for sickle cell: stopped 2 months ago due to side effects
Denies any seasonal allergy, food or medication allergy
Family History:
mother: alive and healthy
Father: alive and healthy
Social History:
no at home smoking, alcohol or drug use.
No recent travel
Lives at home with parents
Eats a balanced diet
sleeps 8-9 hours a day
child is playful and active
KH ses all appropriate safety measures
Review of Systems:
Negative for fatigue, fevers, chills, night sweats, activity change, appetite change, or irritability
Negative for rhinorrhea, sneezing, congestion, sore throat, pain with swallowing or ear pain or changes in vision.
Reports headaches but denies syncope or dizziness
Positive for vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. Negative for diarrhea or constipation
Negative cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, stridor, or chest tightness
Negative for known murmur or chest pain
negative for muscle or joint pain
positive for headaches
Physical Exam:
Vital Signs:
Blood Pressure: 101/66 (right arm sitting), HR: 99, RR: 22, O2 sat: 99% room air T: 99F
Height: unable to obtain, weight: 38lbs, BMI: unable to obtain
General Appearance:
KH is active and not in any acute distress. She is normal appearing, well groomed and appropriately dressed. She is well developed and normal weight for age. Not toxic or ill appearing
Warm, noncyanotic, no signs of jaundice. Cap refill is less then 2 seconds, no rash or lesions
Head is atruamatic. Ears: tympanic membranes nor erythematous or bulging. Nose normal, no congestion. Mouth and throat: moist mucu membranes, oropharynx is clear, no swelling or exudate
No icterus, no discharge bilaterally or change in vision. PERRLA.
No lymphadenopathy, trachea midline, neck supple
Normal breath sounds bilaterally, no respiratory distress, no nasal flaring or retractions. No decreased movement, stridor, wheezing, or accesory msucle use.
Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 hear, no S3 or S4. No murmurs, rubs or gallops
Abdomen is flat, soft and nondistended. Normoactive bowel sounds. No abdominal tenderness, guarding or rebound. No masses or lesions.
No cervialadenopathy
5 year old female with a history of sickle cell comes in complaining of abdominal pain and vomiting. Physical shows normal abdominal exam.
Rapid tests:
Covid: negative
Flu: negative
Urine: no significant findings
CBC with differential: WBC 20 (H), HGB : 6.9 (L)
CMP: no significant findings
Lipase: no significant findings
hepatic: total bilirubin 50, AST: 56
Differential Diagnosis:
- Generalized abdominal pain
- Sickle cell/ Vasoclusive crisis
- Viral gastroenteritis
KH is a 5 year old female with a past medical history significant for sickle cell anemia coming in with mom complaining of abdominal pain and vomiting for 2 days. Physicial exam and labs (as mentioned above) are all normal, apart form mildly elevated WBCs. History and exam is consistent with generalized abdominal pain.
Generalized abdominal pain:
-IV hydration
-follow up with PCP
-hydrate, and supportive care
Sickle cell
– follow up with PCP
– keep up to date with routine check ups
History and Physical 2
Identifying Data:
Name: KD
Age: 20
Race: African American
Date & Time: 2/10/21 at 4:30pm
Location: QHC Pediatric Emergency Department
Source of Referral: none
Source of Information: self
Mode of Transport: personal vehicle
Chief Complaint: “sore throat for 3 days”
History of Present Illness:
KD is a 20 year old female with a significant past medical history of asthma (well-controlled) who presents with sore throat and difficulty swallowing food for 3 days. She was seen in the Pediatric ED at QHC in December 2020 for a similar complaint of sore throat and pain with swallowing. She was diagnosed with strep throat at that visit and was treated with Amoxicillin with successful results.
Today, she reports that she has had sore throat for 3 days now, with a sensation of swollen tonsils. She says that she noticed some white spots on both her tonsils. She says the prior to these symptoms 3 days ago, she had a sensation of stiffness and pain in her neck, but says that that has since resolved. She states that she has also been having some difficulty swallowing solid foods, but is okay with liquids. She states that rest and not talking help alleviate the symptoms, and that talking and swallowing make it worse. She rates her pain as a 5/10. She has associated headache and pain with swallowing, and denies any fever, cough, runny nose, chills, myalgias, sweats, difficulty breathing, chest pain, vision changes or any nausea or vomiting. She states that she has had no sick contacts or interaction with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19.
Past Medical History:
Present illness:
Asthma-well controlled
Past illness:
- Asthma-diagnosed when she was a child (unsure of year)
- Patient states this is well controlled with an inhaler
No hospitalizations reported
All immunizations up to date
Past Surgical History:
- Mole removed when she was a child
- Patient unsure of date and location
- No complications were reported
Denies any other surgeries, injuries, and blood transfusions
KD is on an albuterol inhaler as needed.
Last used was several months ago- well controlled
Allergy to strawberries and strawberry flavored products.
Denies any seasonal allergy or medication allergy
Family History:
Mother: alive and well
Father: alive and well
Social History:
denies any tobacco and illicit drug use
Reports occasional Alcohol use (socially). States she may have 1-2 beers on the weekend
KD denies any recent travel
KD lives at home with her mother and father
Attends college, socializes with friends
KD eats a balanced diet, specific foods not reported
KD states she sleeps “normal hours.” Specific number not reported
Exercise history not obtained, but KD reports she stays active
KD uses all appropriate safety measures
Review of Systems:
Denies fever, chills, fatigue, weakness, and loss of appetite
Reports sore throat and swollen tonsils. Reports white spots on tonsils. Has difficulty swallowing solids.
Positive headache. Denies dizziness and lightheadedness
Denies dyspnea, shortness of breath, cough, and wheezing
Denies chest pain and known heart murmur
Denies joint pain, swelling, deformity, decreased ROM, or any other abnormalities throughout
Reports positive headache. Denies loss of sensation, paresthesia, or numbness
Physical Exam:
Vital Signs:
Blood Pressure: 112/71 (right arm sitting), HR: 88, RR: 18, O2 sat: 100% room air T: 98.5F
Height: 5’5”, weight: 127lbs, BMI: 21.1
General Appearance:
20 year old female, in no acute distress. Patient is alert and oriented x 3. Well groomed, appropriate hygiene, and well dressed.
Patient has positive erythema in the oropharynx, and edema in bilateral tonsils. Both tonsils are also noted to have white exudate. Mild lymphadenopathy present. Oral mucosa is moist, proper dentition, trachea midline. Normal hearing bilaterally, no nasal discahrge.
Anterior chain lymphadenopathy noted throughout. Neck is supple
Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 hear, no S3 or S4. No murmurs, rubs or gallops
Breath sounds nonlabored. Chest is clear to auscultation in all lung fields bilaterally, no adventitious lung sounds. Accessory muscles not used, no retractions or nasal flaring.
- Rapid strep test:
- Test results: positive
- Throat culture obtained
- Awaiting results
- Covid PCR test
- Test results negative
KD is a 20 year old female with as past medical history of asthma, well controlled on albuterol, coming in complaining of a sore throat and tonsillar swelling for 2 days. Physical exam and history is consistent with Strep pharyngitis infection.
Differential Diagnosis:
- Streptococcal pharyngitis
- Exudative tonsilitis
- Viral pharyngitis
- Viral URI
- Strep pharyngitis
- Considering patient was on Amoxicillin before, we will switch the antibiotic to erythromycin
- 250mg every 6 hours for 10 days.
- Asthma
- Continue monitoring and use rescue inhaler when needed
History and Physical 3
Identifying Data:
Name: AP
Age: 20
Race: African American
Date & Time: 2/10/21 at 5:45pm
Location: QHC Pediatric Emergency Department
Source of Referral: none
Source of Information: self
Mode of Transport: personal vehicle
Chief Complaint: “heart burn for 1 day”
History of Present Illness:
AP is a 20 year old female with a past medical history of anxiety and asthma that comes in complaining of sensations of heart burn and acid reflux since this morning. She has had these symptoms before in the past and has been seen at QHC numerous times for the same complaint. She has an endoscopy scheduled in the next 3 days as per her PCP.
Today she reports that she has been having this sensation of burning in her throat after eating any meal. For breakfast she had eggs and for lunch she had a sandwich and chills and had the same burning 30 minutes after eating each meal. She says that she has been having associated stomach pain and chest burning sensation for the past 2 months but has worsened today. She describes the stomach pain as sharp, but intermittent. Eating exacerbates the pain, and rest and not eating a big meal alleviates it. She has not taken any medication for it. She had one bowel movement today but says it was hard stool. She is also having associated nausea, increased belching, fatigue and mild constipation. She denies any fevers, chills, chest pain, vomiting, diarrhea, pain with urination, sore throat or difficulty breathing. She denies any sick contacts, COVID exposure or recent travel. She reports her LMP was 2 weeks ago, and was normal flow and lasted 4 days.
Past Medical History:
Present illness:
Past illness:
- Anxiety- well controlled, not on any daily medications, but her PCP is aware of her presentation
- Asthma- well controlled with albuterol (last taken was 5 months ago)
Patient denies any recent hospitalization, but says she was in the NICU when she was born for 2 weeks, but is unsure for what reason. She states she was at a hospital outside the HHC network.
All immunizations up to date
Past Surgical History:
Denies any surgeries, injuries, and blood transfusions
Tylenol: as needed for occasional headaches
Albuterol: for asthma, as needed rescue inhaler
Allergy to peanuts, treenuts and almonds.- gets a rash all over and has difficulty breathing
Denies any seasonal allergy or medication allergy
Family History:
Mother: alive and well
Father: alive and well
Sexual history:
AP states she is currently sexually active with one male partner
She uses condoms for barrier protection
Patient is unsure of last sexual activity, but states its been a few weeks
She denies ever having been tested for any STDs
Social History:
denies any tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug use. Denies ever vaping or smoking a Hookah
AP denies any recent travel, domestic or international
AP lives at home with her mother and father in a private home
AP is a student in college, studying to be an engineer
Occasionally goes out with friends, but since lockdown, has been home for majority of the time.
AP eats a balanced diet, eats vegetables and protein and occasional junk food
AP sleeps 7 hours a day, but that varies depending on school work
AP states she is very active, and exercises every day
AP uses all appropriate safety measures
Review of Systems:
Patients reports fatigue, but denies fever, chills, weakness, or loss of appetite.
Denies sore throat, swollen tonsils, or difficulty swallowing foods. No pain in ears, or
Changes in vision
Denies headache or syncope. Denies dizziness and lightheadedness
AP complains of pain in her stomach, heart burn sensation, nausea, constipation and eructation. Denies vomiting, diarrhea, or changes in bowel.
Denies dyspnea, shortness of breath, cough, and wheezing
Denies chest pain and known heart murmur
Denies joint pain, swelling, deformity, decreased ROM, or any other abnormalities throughout
Reports positive headache. Denies loss of sensation, paresthesia, or numbness
Physical Exam:
Vital Signs:
Blood Pressure: 96/61 (right arm sitting), HR: 91, RR: 16, O2 sat: 100% room air T:98.1F oral, Height: 4’11”, Weight: 91lbs, BMI: 18.4
General Appearance:
20 year old female, in no acute distress. Patient is alert and oriented x 3. Well groomed, appropriate hygiene, and well dressed.
. moist mucus membranes, proper dentition, normal hearing, no nasal discharge or post nasal drip. No erythema, no pharyngeal erythema, no exudates, normal tonsils
No lymphadenopathy, trachea midline, neck supple
Mildly hypoactive bowel sounds throughout in all quadrants.. No aortic bruit. Tympanic on percussion of all four quadrants. Abdomen is soft, nontender to light and deep palpation. No distension or hepatosplenomegaly.
Pelvic exam:
Not done by physician, but would be contributory since this is a female patient with abdominal pain. Would check for any cervical motion tenderness, cervical lesions, any abnormal discharge or erythema. Would also do a bimanual exam to assess the ovaries.
Breath sounds nonlabored. Chest is clear to auscultation in all lung fields bilaterally, no adventitious lung sounds. Accessory muscles not used, no retractions or nasal flaring.
Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 hear, no S3 or S4. No murmurs, rubs or gallops
No labs or tests ordered as patient has an endoscopy scheduled in 3 days
AP is a 20 year old female with a past medical history of anxiety and asthma, well controlled with albuterol. She comes in complaining of heart burn sensation after eating today. She says she has had these symptoms in the past and is scheduled for an endoscopy in 3 days. Physical exam is normal. History and presentation is consistent with Gastroesophageal reflux disease. K
Differential Diagnosis:
- Gastritis
- Achalasia
- esophagitis
- Famotidine 20mg BID for up to 6 weeks
- Follow up with PCP
- Do endoscopy, follow up with PCP pending the results
- Asthma
- Continue monitoring and use rescue inhaler when needed