For this rotation I was evaluated by Professor Melendez. Since I was at a different hospital then he was we had our site evaluations over WhatsApp calls. For our first evaluation, I presented 5 pharm cards and one history and physical. I read through the history and he added his comments and thoughts as we went. I had emailed him the documents the night before so it was easy for him to follow. We then had a discussion about the case, and why we did the things we did. For example, the case was about a patients with a Bartholin’s abscess, and we went over the difference between an abscess and a cyst, and why we used a word catheter. This was very helpful, as it gave me his insight on to the case and I learned a lot. We also discussed the pharm cards and the indications for each medication.
I think had my final evaluation with over the phone as well. For this I emailed him 2 other cases, a journal article, and 5 additional pharm cards. I first decided to present the journal article as it was about my first HP 1 and treatments of Bartholin’s cysts. I then presented an HP about a case of suspected ectopic pregnancy that turned out to be an ovarian torsion. This was an interesting discussion as I got to present the case in the manner of how we managed this patient in the ED< then in OB, then in the surgery itself. I finally then presented the final 5 pharm cards. Overall, Professor Melendez was very pleasant and great to work with.